The truck has a working lever for picking up the trash can and dumping its contents, a working back door, and rolling wheels for added functionality. The trash can also features rolling wheels and a functional lid.
For those with a small print bed, this can be printed by rotating the model 45 degrees. Ensure you have solid bed adhesion and that your printer can print with tolerances as small as 0.3mm. If you're unsure, try printing this. It has the same tolerances but it's a smaller model and a good test.
NOTE: There are two versions, a standard version and a mini version. These are not just scaled versions of each other. They are specifically modified to share the same tolerances between the two versions. Be sure to choose the right pair of garbage truck and garbage can. Also know that the smaller model will have smaller joints and pieces which will make it weaker than the larger version. You could compensate by increasing your wall count if you print the mini version.
UPDATE: I've added arm replacement files so you can print just the arms and cut/glue them however you need to.
Get the kit card version here!
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